About luckysearches.com
If you find your browser's default homepage is modified to luckysearches.com, you are not so lucky. It's a typical browser hijacker.
Luckysearches.com secretly change the default homepage of your browser after you visited some malicious sites or installed freeware blindly. Users find it difficult to reset the browser, no matter how they try, they just can't make the homepage as previous ones.
Search results will be replaced by sponsored links and other junk information instead of ideal results. Unfamiliar sites may be added in your Favorite without your knowledge. The redirecting feature of this hijacker is the main reason why it's unwelcome.
To stop being redirected and getting unwanted ads, you should remove the hijacker in efficient ways.
Luckysearches.com secretly change the default homepage of your browser after you visited some malicious sites or installed freeware blindly. Users find it difficult to reset the browser, no matter how they try, they just can't make the homepage as previous ones.
Search results will be replaced by sponsored links and other junk information instead of ideal results. Unfamiliar sites may be added in your Favorite without your knowledge. The redirecting feature of this hijacker is the main reason why it's unwelcome.
To stop being redirected and getting unwanted ads, you should remove the hijacker in efficient ways.