
Stop Support-security-alert.net Pop-up - Remove Fake Security Alert Permanently

What is support-security-alert.net pop-up

Support-security-alert.net domain page pretends to be a virus report message. It has blue screen and white warning words. What's more, its domain name contain"Support","Security"and "Alert". It says your system health is critical and calling 18444993631 is necessary. Many users are misled to call the offered number, unfortunately they had been taken in a scam.

This message is actually an ad provided by an adware. The so-called threats probably do not exist. If you call the given number, you will be required to purchase its tech support or some removal tool sooner or later. 
Such adware come to your browser if you visited sites contain malicious codes or installed questionable freeware. The malicious codes will modify your browser setting and make support-security-alert.net come every time you open your browser. You should rely on reputable AV programs to protect your computer instead of believing in the so-called tech support. The right thing to do is to remove the adware and fix your browser, otherwise the pop-up will keep coming again and again.

Download2015now.xyz Pop-up Removal Help - Fake Flash Player Removal Instruction

About download2015now.xyz Pop-up

Download2015now.xyz page looks like a normal Flash Player Recommendation, but you should distinguish it from real ones.

This is an ad brought by malicious adware, it tries to mislead users to download what it offers. The pop-up comes frequently on infected browsers like IE Firefox and Chrome. If users get cheated by it and download more unwanted programs, they will have to bear poor computer experience.

This adware can be brought by malicious sites, or it is bundled with other freeware installations. The same pop-up will keep disturbing you unless you remove it completely.
You can read the rest of this article to learn to remove it effectively.