BSOD (Blue Screen Of Death) information can be the last thing you want to see on the screen. While when it happens on your browsers, you need to be watchful and see if it is a scam page like
Know about 'Call 1-888-258-5284' Pop-up is a malicious page that will come while your browsing and demands you to call
1-888-258-5284 to fix the detected malware problems. Inexperienced users can be panic and do as it says, then they are taken into scams.
You should not be one of the victims. This page is telling a lie and you see the pop-up only because of the the adware in your computer. The pop-up aims to mislead users to call the given number, and promote the related removal services and tools. Since the so-called problems do not exist, the victims are actually cheated out of money. The most annoying thing is, such a fake message can keep popping up on the browsers no matter what site you are going to visit, it will surly ruin your browsing experience.