What is aartemis.com
Obviously Aartemis.com is not a suitable homepage, However some users have no choice, they found their browsers are hijacked by it. You should know about this browser hijacker.

Aartemis.com should be replaced for these reasons:
- It will lock your default homepage as aartemis.com and it's hard to reset.
- Strange sites comes to bookmarks together with the hijacker.
- It redirects users to Google search results, it takes extra time.
- This hijacker may also bring unwanted programs since it has so many shortcuts.
- You will be directed to dubious sites and get unwanted programs downloaded.
- The hijacker also brings related adware, pop-ups can be seen on browser frequently.
This hijacker may come to your computer if your browsers' setting are modified by some third party freeware or malware. What you need to do is to remove the hijacker in time, in case of further loss.
>>>>>A quicker way to solve the problems: Try the recommended removal tool.<<<<<
>>>>>A quicker way to solve the problems: Try the recommended removal tool.<<<<<