What is gooblesearch.com pop-up
The message from Gooblesearch.com domain page is quite horrible, it describes that there are many problems in your computer including trojans and so-called System error code 0x8007042c. It requires users to call 1 844 666 1375 to fix these threats.
When you see this message, you should know that your browser need to be fixed. Not because of dangerous trojans , but for the adware on it. This message is fake message provided by an adware. If you call the given number, you will be required to pay for the so-called tech support sooner or later. Or you will be recommended a removal tool with purchase, to deal with the non-existed viruses.
You should rely on reputable AV programs to protect your computer instead of believing in the so-called tech support.Such adware come to your browser if you visited sites with bad reputation or installed questionable freeware. The malicious codes will modify your browser setting and make gooblesearch.com come every time you open your browser. The right thing to do is to remove the adware and fix your browser, otherwise the pop-up will keep coming again and again.