
Do Not Get Fake Video Player on Pdfiler.com Domain Page

Know about Pdfiler.com pop-up

Pdfiler.com domain looks like a PDF related page, while it recommends users to have a Video Player update. This page may come suddenly when you are trying to visit any site and using any browser, even when the page do not need a video playing function.

Some users are cheated by this page and download the file it offers. However they finally found that their browsers get slowed down and the performance get reduced. You should know that such a page is a malicious ad, which tries to mislead users to download its files to generate pay-per-downloaded revenue. 
Seeing this pop-up means you got unwanted plugins and adware in your computer. They modify the browser settings and registry data to send the pop-up as soon as you run the infected browsers. It is quite necessary to clean up your browsers and unnecessary programs permanently.

Call 1-844-841-0435 to Fix BSOD? Don't be Fooled by Dangerousviruses.com Page Scams

Learn to distinguish "Call 1-844-841-0435" Pop-up

A screenshot of dangerousviruses.com pop-up
A page of Dangerousviruses.com can be seen on popular browsers like Chrome, Google or IE. This page pretends to be a BSOD information with blue screen background and some complicated error codes. It also send a stubborn pop-up to tell users that they should not restart the computer, call 1-844-841-0435 for help.
However you should never trust a word from it. This is a malicious ad supported by the adware in your computer. All the information on it are not real, and there won't be any problem if you close it directly. The ads aim to mislead users to call the given number, and promote the related removal services and tools. Since the so-called problems do not exist, the victims are actually cheated out of money. The most annoying thing is, such a fake message can keep popping up on the browsers no matter what site you are going to visit, it will surly ruin your browsing experience.