
"Flash Player Pro To Continue" from Dhalk.com - How to Stop the Annoying Pop-up

Distinguish dhalk.com pop-up

Dhalk.com page can pop up when your visit any page with a infected browser. It says: Please install Flash Player Pro to Continue ( Required ). If you click to download what it offers, you may get a file named VideoPlayerSetup.exe. However, you should NEVER install it, otherwise you will get unwanted programs. It can be malware, trojans or other viruses, anything but not a real helpful player.

The message is send from the related adware which earns pay-per-download revenue. Those low-quality software offered by it will badly reduce the performance of your browsers even your OS. 
This pop-up page may hijack your browsers so that it comes every time you open your browsers. To stop the annoying pop-up and prevent possible problems, you need to clean up your computer completely.